Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
This podcast is about sharing ideas, insights, research, and experiences around emotion in the workplace. Here we explore the breadth and depth of emotions so listeners can use what we discuss to help enrich lives or help protect from or reduce harm. We focus on the roles #emotion #credibility and #deception play in the workplace.
Our first episode is more of a broadcast from our host, Phil Willcox, talking about why the Emotion at Work podcast is a thing. He sets out:
1) That the podcasts will be a series of conversations with researchers and/or practitioners and/or business leaders. Some guests may be in more than one camp.
2) Each podcast will be an authentic recording of the conversation that was had. There will be no splicing editing or cutting out. We want you the listener to hear it in its true form.
3) This podcast supports the goals of emotion at work as what you hear will be helpful in enriching lives or reducing harm in the workplace. The guests and Phil talk about hints, tips, and techniques to help listeners find out how to work with emotion, credibility, and deception in the workplace more effectively.
4) That we are a work in progress. This is the first of many podcasts and we will learn and evolve with time. We are excited you are along for the ride.
Thanks for listening!
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Learn more about Emotion at Work: https://www.emotionatwork.co.uk
Connect with Phil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-willcox-02013425/
The Emotion at Work Podcast
Publishing monthly since 2017, this podcast is about sharing ideas, insights, research, and experiences around Emotion in the workplace. Join Phil Willcox, the founder of Emotion at Work Consulting, as he explores the breadth and depth of emotions so you can use what is discussed to help enrich lives, and help protect others from harm in the workplace. Topic areas such as mental health, emotional intelligence, well being, language, and the power of emotions are covered. Phil shares personal insights and interviews experts in the fields to provide practical insight and take a deep dive into the human condition. Find podcast transcripts at https://www.emotionatwork.co.uk/podcast/ and connect with Phil on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-willcox-02013425/